MPT Groups AutoTuft Automatic Mattress Tufting Machine (New) Ref: 0000084
This Patented Fully Automated Mattress Tufting System
AutoTuft Can Tuft Up To 400 Mattresses Per Shift.
The AUTO-TUFT System is fully automated and capable of tufting 200/400 mattresses per 8-hour shift. It requires only one operator; virtually eliminating the need for material handling. Products are introduced into the machine via a horizontal conveyor that centralises the mattress before tufting. Sensors automatically detect the size of the mattress during the in-feed process and relays this data to the AUTO-TUFT’s PLC this then selects the correct tuft pattern for that product size. After tufting is complete, products can either be exited via a gravity conveyor or fed directly into a mattress wrapper.macchinario del materasso
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