Tape Edge Machines
300U103 Divan Tape Edge Machine £4350
300U103 Divan Tape Edge Machine
Fanghanel 300U103 Divan Tape Edge Machine
Complete with bench and motor 1 or 3 phase
Dealer MPTGroup Ltd - Tel 01706 878558
300UX5 Mattress Tape Edge Sewing Head
300UX5 Mattress Tape Edge Sewing Head
Usual Selling Price £4,595.00
Offer price £3,250.00
Dealer MPT Group Call 01706 878558
Start UP Plant For Basic Mattress Production Mixed Machines
This is a great start up kit of machines for the production of low end mattress products.
mattress machinery
United NR £6500.00 Ex.works
American United NR Tape Edge Machine
Excellent Condition, Well Maintained
Fanghanel NR (1997)
Fanhangel NR tape edge machine with Singer head (300U103)
£7250 SOLD
Dimegrove Matramax Mattress Tape edge Machine (new)
High Speed Electronic Tape Edge machine
The Best Selling Tape Edge Machine in The UK